Drug and Alcohol Tests

  • Professional
Tests average daily level of usage for up to 90 days using a hair sample or samples from a hairbrush.
  •  Tests average daily level of usage for up to 90 days using a hair sample or samples from a hairbrush.
  •  Complete instructions make it easy to collect and send in the samples.
  •  Test yourself or those you care about in complete confidence and with clinical precision employing chromatography and mass spectrometry in our state-of-the-art facility.
  •  You will get a professional interpretation of what level of usage a positive result means.

Your hair sample will give you 30, 60, or 90 day record of the average daily level of ingestion of alcoholic beverages, cocaine, opiates, amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, fentanyl and any other required tests registering for our service which includes DNA source confirmation of submitted samples and the required clinical care tests means you can start the program for $200 which represents a saving of over $600 made possible by our support and commitment to the first important step toward rehabilitation and includes a professional consultation. Our procedure allows you to easily self collect a hair sample and send in your sample with the certainty that hair sample came from the same person who originally registered their DNA profile with us.

With hundreds of thousands of samples clinically tested, and the results explained, you have the knowledge that everything is done in complete confidence and with clinical precision.

It took a decade of research to develop a test and procedure that are available now exclusively from us we will explain how easy it is to swab your cheeks for the original DNA sample which must match the DNA sample of all hair sent in to be tested from that person, and how simple it is to collect the hair sample.

No need to drive distances and depend on third parties because you will be doing it all and very easily.

A $200 total charge allows you to send in your cheek swab DNA samples, and hair sample to be tested and interpreted for up to four substances of abuse over a 60 or 90 day period, and includes consultation with one of our experts subsequent tests on four substances should be done every 60 days and total cost is $150.


Hair testing is now regarded as the clinically precise method of determining levels of drug and alcohol abuse. The hair shaft is a precise record of drug and alcohol abuse because it traps the drug and its metabolites in the growing hair strand.

Our specialized chromatography/spectrophotometry state-of-the-art system allows us to determine the identity of detected substances and the average daily level of use over the time period of the test. The test is so sensitive it is measuring picograms, 1 trillionth of a gram, units of detected substance.

Hair grows about 1/2 inch per month, so when we take a sample of hair snipped at the scalp line ,a typical inch and a half sample would provide a 90 day record of the level of use of alcoholic beverages and the critically important drugs which include opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, THC( marijuana) and diazepines

The report you receive will indicate if any of the products tested for indicate positive levels of use in which case a number indicating daily average level of use will be displayed. The chart we include indicates what that number means in terms of the level of use.

Does that level of use indicate light recreational use or one of the categories right up to the higher numbers which indicate addictive use?

Hair testing is the state-of-the-art method for the detection of drug and alcohol abuse. Hair retains the drug and its metabolites for up to six months. Since hair grows about a half-inch a month taking a sample snipped adjacent to the scalp can provide up to a 90-day record, that means the hair sample we use will be the 3 inches at the root end.

If less hair is collected the results will be proportional to the length of the usable sample, but always submit the entire sample. You just snip the hair at the scalp line, and we will decide what portion to use.

The best place to cut the hair from is the crown of your head.

You will need about 60 hairs or more (which when twisted together will give about the thickness of a lead pencil).

Snip the hair at the scalp and place the hair in a small plastic bag or wrap it in aluminum foil.

If taking hair from a hairbrush ensure that the hairbrush has only been used by the person being tested and collect up to about 100 hairs from the brush. Package it exactly the same as for a snipped hair sample.

About 10 drops of the REMOTE DRUG TESTS serum are applied once daily to the scalp. Apply about five drops directly to any bald areas and the balance can be rubbed on the rest of the scalp area t for about 30 seconds to a minute to be sure of an intensive application and absorption.







It's easy, collect your own samples and save up to $600 dollars!

Drug Test

Price: $276.00
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Alcohol Test

Price: $207.00
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Drug and Alcohol Tests

Price: $414.00
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